Ambe Codec Software Free

Ambe codec software, free download

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  3. Ambe Codec Software Free Software
  4. Ambe Codec Software Freeware

Ambe Codec

Proven Technology Customizable rates from 2.0 to 9.6 kbps

A software algorithm in a Digital Signal Processor (DSP). The vocoder is responsible for converting speech into a compact bit stream to allow the speech to be sent with few bits to allow for spectrally efficient transmission. The vocoder that was initially chosen for Project 25 was the Improved Multi.

Ambe Codec Software Free Music

Digital Voice Systems, Inc. (DVSI) developed the revolutionary speech compression model AMBE+2™ to provide superior voice quality and performance at low data rates. DVSI’s AMBE+2™ speech compression software is more efficient and less complex than traditional linear prediction-based speech models and therefore supports for more cost-effective implementations and system designs to be produced.

Ambe Codec Software Free Software

The AMBE+2™ Vocoder sets a standard for high-quality, high-performance speech quality at data rates from 2.0 to 9.6 kbps. The vocoder technology has been shown to outperform DVSI's previously industry-leading AMBE+™ Vocoder. The AMBE+2™ Vocoder outperformed G.729 and G.726 vocoders while operating at only 4.0 kbps, and DVSI's baseline AMBE™ vocoder technology. It is designed to be particularly robust and perform exceptionally well even under bit errors and acoustic background noise conditions.

DVSI’s AMBE+2™ Vocoder is more efficient and less complex than traditional linear prediction-based speech models and therefore allows for more cost-effective implementations and system designs. The superior performance characteristics of the new AMBE+2™ Vocoder make it ideally suited for mobile radio, secure voice, satellite communications, computer telephony, and other digital voice and storage applications where bandwidth is at a premium and low data rate, high-quality is imperative.

Ambe Codec Software Freeware

With the AMBE+2™ Vocoder DVSI has again raised the bar on performance expectations for low rate vocoders for the entire industry.