Breadboard Circuits Pdf

An Electrical circuit should now be formed, with the LED lighting up. Note: You can completely rearrange the layout of the circuit but following the breadboard diagram exactly is the easiest way to get started with building a breadboard circuit. Want to build a breadboard circuit without buying a physical product? Circuit as well as very complex circuits. As you'll see later in this tutorial, if your circuit outgrows its current breadboard, others can be be attached to accommodate circuits of all sizes and complexities. Another common use of breadboards is testing out new parts, such as Integrated circuits (ICs).

What is Breadboard?

A breadboard is a circuit board that is used to make temporary circuits. It is a device having electronics and test circuit designs. The electronic elements inside the electronic circuits can be interchanged by inserting the terminals and leads into holes and later connecting it with the help of appropriate wires.

The device has stripes of metal below the board that connects the holes placed on the top of the board. The connections of the breadboard are mostly temporary and the elements can further be reassembled and reused without any damage. Breadboards are generally used in electrical engineering. Engineers make use of breadboards in order to test different products made by them. Using breadboard is the most efficient way of testing and also they are cost effective. They can be reused again and again for the purpose of testing. Today, starting from tiny analog, digital circuits to big complicated CPU’s everything can be tested with the help of this.

Breadboards earlier were made of copper wires or terminal strips. These days it is made up of white plastic and is a breadboard that can be plugged. Breadboards are solderless and they are made of two kinds of strips i.e. terminal and bus strips. Terminal strips help in holding the electronic elements while the bus strip is used to power electric power to all the electronic components. You can find manufacturers selling solderless breadboards very easily, some manufactures sell the bust and terminal strips separately and some sell it together.

Breadboard Basics:

A breadboard is a circuit which if of a temporary nature used for the purpose of testing and prototyping circuits. It is easy to prototype circuits with the help of breadboards because it is fast and easy. Breadboards are generally used to test circuits. As this device have holes in it. In order to form a circuit, wires are inserted simply inside the holes. An advantage of using a breadboard is that the positions of the wires can be changed if they are placed in a wrong order. In the below diagram you can see alphabets are used in order to identify vertical columns and numbers are used in order to identify vertical columns.

In the below diagram you can see both the vertical columns and horizontal to be connected internally. As soon as the power is turned on, the current flows through these internal connections.

In the below diagram you can see how a resistor of 380 ohm and a LED are set up on the breadboard. A 9 volt battery is eventually attached to the LED light. Replace the current resistor with a resistor having 680 ohm you can see the resistance to be greater and the LED light to be dimmer.

Breadboard Connections:

A breadboard as mentioned before is used to make temporary circuit for testing and other purposes. The advantage of using a breadboard for testing is that connection can be changed if they are wrong. Also the parts of the circuit do not get damaged and can easily be reused. A breadboard generally consists of lots of holes so that wires can easily be pushed in. testing for almost every electronic projects starts from the breadboard. The breadboard has many tiny sockets likes holes arranged in a 0.1 grid. The leads that most elements have can easily be pushed inside these holes. The ICs are pushed inside across to the gap with their dot on the left. Standard wires cannot be used for breadboard as they get damaged easily and hence they require single core plastic coated wires that have 0.6mm diameter. Standard wires if used can also lead to damage of the board.

The above diagram shows how the holes of a breadboard are connected. The bottom and the top rows are connected horizontally across as the red and the black line denotes. The power supply is connected to both the black and red rows. The other rows are connected in a vertical manner which consists of five rows each without any links to the across the centre. In this way there are separate blocks of connections to each of the ICs pin. Now this was the connection in a small breadboard.

In case of large breadboards, there are breaks half way in the top and the bottom rows of the power supply. It is always better to link across the gap before you start building circuit. If you do not link it then that part of the circuit will not have any power supply.

Virtual Breadboard:

The virtual breadboard is generally used to test and design embedded software that is in a high level interactive circuit. It is used for prototyping the hardware from these designs. People find the virtual breadboard easier to utilize than the normal ones because it has a high approach. Also it is faster in tis working and helps in testing new ideas and circuit variations.

Virtual breadboards are usually used in place of real breadboards because they are fast in working. Also it is fast in performing experiments and testing electronic embedded applications. Many experimenters prefer using virtual boards for experiments than real boards as its functioning is easy. The virtual board is popular in many universities around the world since the 1999.

A virtual breadboard is also called as VBB and makes use of microcontrollers featuring Makeable bereadbaord designs. A virtual breadboard helps in making your projects easier and helps you do your experiments I a simple way. There are different versions of VBB that are available which users can use according to their need. It is always better to use a virtual breadboard than a real one as the virtual ones are more reliable. So if you are in a hurry and want immediate results it is advised that you make use of VBB.

On the whole, using a breadboard is very easy and as it gives immediate results everyone prefers using it for testing different gadgets and electronic products.

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FREE EBOOK (PDF) – Ultimate Beginners Guide To Arduino

The easiest way for beginners to get started with Arduino is by creating circuits using a solderless breadboard. These simple projects will teach you the basics of Arduino Uno, electronics and programming. In this tutorial, you will be creating circuits using the following electronic components:

  • LED
  • Temp Sensor
  • Pushbutton
  • Potentiometer
  • Photoresistor
  • Servo
  • Motor
  • Buzzer
  • LCD screen

This tutorial is going to allow you to jump right in and start building circuits. If you need some background on the Arduino Uno board or the tools that are needed, please check out post – Arduino Uno For Beginners.

Before you can start working with Arduino, you need to make sure you have the IDE software installed on your computer. This program allows you to write, view and upload the code to your Arduino Uno board. You can download the IDE for free on Arduino’s website.

Once the IDE is installed, you will need to connect your Arduino to your computer. To do this, plug one end of the USB cable to the Arduino Uno and then the other end of the USB to your computer’s USB port.

Select The Board

Once the board is plugged in, you will need to open the IDE and click on Tools>Board>Arduino Uno to select the board.

Select Serial Port

Next, you have to tell the Arduino which port you are using on your computer. To select the port, go to Tools > Port and then selectthe port that says Arduino.

To complete the projects in this tutorial, you will need to download the project code which are known as sketches. A sketch is simply a set of instructions that tells the board what functions it needs to perform. For some of these projects, we are using open-source code that was released by the good people at Sparkfunand Arduino. Use the link below to download the zip folder containing the code.

Once the file has been downloaded, you will need to unzip/extract the folder in order to use it.

The first project is one of the most basic and simple circuits you can create with Arduino. This project will test your Arduino by blinking an LED that is connected directly to the board.

Parts Needed

  • (1) Arduino Uno
  • (1) USB A-to-B Cable
  • (1) LED 5mm
  • (1) 220 Ω Resistor

Project Diagram

Project Steps

  1. Twist a 220 Ω resistor to the long leg (+) of the LED.
  2. Push the short leg of the LED into the ground (GND) pin on the board.
  3. Push the resistor leg that’s connected to the LED into the #13 pin.

Project Code

  1. Connect the Arduino board to your computer using the USB cable.
  2. Open project code – Circuit_01_TestArduino
  3. Select the board and serial port as outlined in earlier section.
  4. Click upload button to send sketch to the Arduino.

This project is identical to project #1 except that we will be building it on a breadboard. Once complete, the LED should turn on for a second and then off for a second in a loop.

Parts Needed

  • (1) Arduino Uno
  • (1) USB A-to-B Cable
  • (1) Breadboard – Half Size
  • (1) LED 5mm
  • (1) 220 Ω Resistor
  • (2) Jumper Wires

Project Diagram

Project Code

  1. Connect the Arduino board to your computer using the USB cable.
  2. Open project code – Circuit_02_Blink
  3. Select the board and serial port as outlined in earlier section.
  4. Click upload button to send sketch to the Arduino.

Using a push button switch, you will be able to turn on and off an LED.

Parts Needed

  • (1) Arduino Uno
  • (1) USB A-to-B Cable
  • (1) Breadboard – Half Size
  • (1) LED 5mm
  • (1) 220 Ω Resistor
  • (1) 10K Ω Resistor
  • (1) Push Button Switch
  • (6) Jumper Wires

Project Diagram

Project Code

  1. Connect the Arduino board to your computer using the USB cable.
  2. Open project code – Circuit_03_Pushbutton
  3. Select the board and serial port as outlined in earlier section.
  4. Click upload button to send sketch to the Arduino.

Using a potentiometer, you will be able to control the resistance of an LED. Turning the knob will increase and decrease the frequency the LED blinks.

Parts Needed

  • (1) Arduino Uno
  • (1) USB A-to-B Cable
  • (1) Breadboard – Half Size
  • (1) LED 5mm
  • (1) 220 Ω Resistor
  • (1) Potentiometer (10k Trimpot)
  • (6) Jumper Wires
Breadboard circuits pdf download

Project Diagram

Project Code

  1. Connect the Arduino board to your computer using the USB cable.
  2. Open project code – Circuit_04_Potentiometer
  3. Select the board and serial port as outlined in earlier section.
  4. Click upload button to send sketch to the Arduino.

By using a PWM pin on the Arduino, you will be able to increase and decrease the intensity of brightness of an LED.

Parts Needed

  • (1) Arduino Uno
  • (1) USB A-to-B Cable
  • (1) Breadboard – Half Size
  • (1) LED 5mm
  • (1) 220 Ω Resistor
  • (2) Jumper Wires

Project Diagram

Project Code

  1. Connect the Arduino board to your computer using the USB cable.
  2. Open project code – Circuit_05_Fade
  3. Select the board and serial port as outlined in earlier section.
  4. Click upload button to send sketch to the Arduino.

This project will blink 6 LEDs, one at a time, in a back and forth formation. This type of circuit was made famous by the show Knight Rider which featured a car with looping LEDs.

Parts Needed

  • (1) Arduino Uno
  • (1) USB A-to-B Cable
  • (1) Breadboard – Half Size
  • (6) LED 5mm
  • (6) 220 Ω Resistor
  • (7) Jumper Wires

Project Diagram

Project Code

  1. Connect the Arduino board to your computer using the USB cable.
  2. Open project code – Circuit_06_Scrolling
  3. Select the board and serial port as outlined in earlier section.
  4. Click upload button to send sketch to the Arduino.

Using a potentiometer, you can control a series of LEDs in a row. Turning the potentiometer knob will turn on or off more of the LEDs.

Parts Needed

  • (1) Arduino Uno
  • (1) USB A-to-B Cable
  • (1) Breadboard – Half Size
  • (1) Potentiometer – Rotary
  • (10) LED 5mm
  • (10) 220 Ω Resistor
  • (11) Jumper Wires

Project Diagram

Project Code

  1. Connect the Arduino board to your computer using the USB cable.
  2. Open project code – Circuit_07_BarGraph
  3. Select the board and serial port as outlined in earlier section.
  4. Click upload button to send sketch to the Arduino.

This project will use 8 pins on the Arduino board to blink 8 LEDs at the same time.

Parts Needed

  • (1) Arduino Uno
  • (1) USB A-to-B Cable
  • (1) Breadboard – Half Size
  • (8) LED 5mm
  • (8) 330 Ω Resistor
  • (9) Jumper Wires

Project Diagram

Project Code

  1. Connect the Arduino board to your computer using the USB cable.
  2. Open project code – Circuit_08_MultipleLEDs
  3. Select the board and serial port as outlined in earlier section.
  4. Click upload button to send sketch to the Arduino.

This project will be using an RGB LED to scroll through a variety of colors. RGB stands for Red, Green and Blue and this LED has the ability to create nearly unlimited color combinations.

Parts Needed

  • (1) Arduino Uno
  • (1) USB A-to-B Cable
  • (1) Breadboard – Half Size
  • (1) RGB LED
  • (3) 330 Ω Resistor
  • (5) Jumper Wires

Project Diagram

Project Code

  1. Connect the Arduino board to your computer using the USB cable.
  2. Open project code – Circuit_09_RGBLED
  3. Select the board and serial port as outlined in earlier section.
  4. Click upload button to send sketch to the Arduino.

A photoresistor changes the resistance a circuit gets based on the amount of light that hits the sensor. In this project, the brightness of the LED will increase and decrease based on the amount of light present.

Parts Needed

  • (1) Arduino Uno
  • (1) USB A-to-B Cable
  • (1) Breadboard – Half Size
  • (1) LED 5mm
  • (1) 330 Ω Resistor
  • (1) 10K Ω Resistor
  • (1) Photoresistor
  • (6) Jumper Wires

Project Diagram

Project Code

  1. Connect the Arduino board to your computer using the USB cable.
  2. Open project code – Circuit_10_Photoresistor
  3. Select the board and serial port as outlined in earlier section.
  4. Click upload button to send sketch to the Arduino.

A temperature sensor measures ambient temperatures of the world around it. In this project, we will be displaying the temperature in the serial monitor of the Arduino IDE.

Parts Needed

Breadboard Circuits Projects Pdf

  • (1) Arduino Uno
  • (1) USB A-to-B Cable
  • (1) Breadboard – Half Size
  • (1) Temperature Sensor – TMP36
  • (5) Jumper Wires

Project Diagram

Project Code

  1. Connect the Arduino board to your computer using the USB cable.
  2. Open project code – Circuit_11_TempSensor
  3. Select the board and serial port as outlined in earlier section.
  4. Click upload button to send sketch to the Arduino.

The project will use a piezo buzzer/speaker to play a little melody.

Parts Needed

  • (1) Arduino Uno
  • (1) USB A-to-B Cable
  • (1) Breadboard – Half Size
  • (1) Piezo Buzzer/Speaker
  • (2) Jumper Wires

Project Diagram

Project Code

  1. Connect the Arduino board to your computer using the USB cable.
  2. Open project code – Circuit_12_ToneMelody
  3. Select the board and serial port as outlined in earlier section.
  4. Click upload button to send sketch to the Arduino.

In this project, you will be able to sweep a servo back and forth through its full range of motion.

Parts Needed

  • (1) Arduino Uno
  • (1) USB A-to-B Cable
  • (1) Breadboard – Half Size
  • (1) Servo
  • (6) Jumper Wires

Project Diagram

Project Code

  1. Connect the Arduino board to your computer using the USB cable.
  2. Open project code – Circuit_13_Servo
  3. Select the board and serial port as outlined in earlier section.
  4. Click upload button to send sketch to the Arduino.

Using a switching transistor, we will be able to control a DC motor. If everything is connected correctly, you should see the motor spinning.

Parts Needed

  • (1) Arduino Uno
  • (1) USB A-to-B Cable
  • (1) Breadboard – Half Size
  • (1) DC Motor
  • (1) 330 Ω Resistor
  • (1) Diode 1N4148
  • (1) NPN Transistor
  • (6) Jumper Wires

Project Diagram

Project Code

  1. Connect the Arduino board to your computer using the USB cable.
  2. Open project code – Circuit_14_Motor
  3. Select the board and serial port as outlined in earlier section.
  4. Click upload button to send sketch to the Arduino.

An LCD is a liquid crystal display that is able to display text on its screen. In this project, you should see the words “hello,world!” displayed on the screen. The potentiometer is used to adjust the contrast of the display.

Parts Needed

Breadboard Circuits Pdf
  • (1) Arduino Uno
  • (1) USB A-to-B Cable
  • (1) Breadboard – Half Size
  • (1) LCD Screen
  • (1) Potentiometer
  • (16) Jumper Wires

Breadboard Circuits Pdf Examples


Project Diagram

Breadboard Circuits Pdf

Project Code

  1. Connect the Arduino board to your computer using the USB cable.
  2. Open project code – Circuit_15_LCD
  3. Select the board and serial port as outlined in earlier section.
  4. Click upload button to send sketch to the Arduino.

Breadboard Circuits Pdf Converter

  • Make sure your board and serial port is selected in the IDE. To do this, plug your board in and go to Tools > Board >Arduino to select your board. Next, go to Tools > Port >Com (Arduino) to select your serial port.
  • The long leg of the LED is the (+) positive and the short leg is the (-) negative. Make sure the correct leg of the LED is in the proper pin of the Arduino or breadboard as directed.
  • It can be easy to put a component or jumper into the wrong pin on the Arduino or the breadboard. Double check the correct pin is being used.