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Skip to end of metadataGo to start of metadataCopy-and-paste of our write-up for when v16 was the current version, before their licensing methods changed for v17, onwards.
9/15/17: New version (v17) coming, and company has alerted Chemistry IT that they are changing licensing and distribution methods. More info:
- BEST method: If you want to keep the version you have and the license is currently working, to add another year, just open ChemDraw, go to Help, go to Activate ChemDraw, you will see your existing license information, and just click 'Activate Over Internet' to add another year to your license.
- This option is available one month before expiration. This option is not available after the expiration date.
- Windows only: If you want to keep the Windows-based version you have and the license has expired, visit the My Downloads section of the CambridgeSoft website <> to obtain the serial number you need.
- This option is not available for Macs. Instead, re-obtain a new serial number and registration code instead (upgrade); see next bullet.
- To renew for Mac (or upgrade to the newest version for either Mac or Windows) just follow the Download instructions below. Info from PerkinElmer (7/14/2017):
- Existing Windows users can simply reactivate with the serial number they already have, even for older versions. New users will only have access to the most recent version of the software. Users on the Macintosh platform will need to get a new serial number and registration code by following instructions at the link above.
PerkinElmer Informatics (formerly CambridgeSoft) ChemDraw Professional is a tool to create diagrams of chemical structures plus additional biological components.
The Cornell Library has continued to annually invest in a site license for ChemDraw Professional for Windows and Macintosh. This license covers Cornell University and the Weill Cornell Medical College. All current students, staff, and faculty of Cornell University and the Weill Cornell Medical College are eligible to obtain the software for free.
Administration of this license is shared between the Cornell Library and the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology.
The current license period is good through Thursday, 12 July 2018. As part of our site license, CambridgeSoft distributes ChemDraw Professional for PC and Mac.

- As of 7/14/2017, version 16. Now includes direct searching of SciFinder.
Eligible Cornell students, staff, and faculty can download the software directly from the CambridgeSoft website via You must register your Cornell University e-mail address (which must end with '' or '') and create an account on the CambridgeSoft website to get access to the software download and license codes.
Each person who needs to use the software needs to obtain their own serial numbers. CambridgeSoft limits the number of installations that each serial number can do. As there is no cost to obtaining access, please don't share your serial numbers.
Customers may retrieve installation serial numbers via the My Downloads section of the CambridgeSoft website at:
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The above site will also provide access to installation serial numbers for older editions of Windows versions, especially useful if you want to continue to use older editions of the software. (Not available for Mac versions.)
When you install the software, simply follow the prompts to enter your serial number. After you have provided the serial number, the software connects to CambridgeSoft to fully activate the license. Thus, your computer must be able to connect to the internet to finalize the installation's licensing in this manner. (If necessary, one can instead activate non-networked systems by following the software installation's prompts, which involves a phone call to CambridgeSoft.)
Customers may re-download the current version of the software at any time via the My Site Subscription section of the CambridgeSoft website at:
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Users may find the CambridgeSoft FAQ website useful in fixing installation issues with ChemDraw Professional:
Faculty, staff, and graduate students in Chemistry and Chemical Biology who have trouble obtaining and installing ChemDraw Professional/ChemDraw can contact Chemistry IT for assistance at
All other Cornell faculty, staff, and students having difficulty obtaining or using ChemDraw Professional should contact CambridgeSoft customer service:
- E-mail: informatics.customer_service@PERKINELMER.COM
- Phone: 800-315-7300
CambridgeSoft products are supported for both Windows and Macintosh.
See the CambridgeSoft Compatibility Page for information about system requirements.
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