- Developer:
- Microsoft
- Description:
- DirectX Graphics Infrastructure
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How to Update, Download, and Fix Dxgi.dll. Last Updated: Reading Time Required: 3.5 minutes Dxgi.dll, also known as a DirectX Graphics Infrastructure file, was created by Microsoft for the development of Microsoft® Windows® Operating System. Click “Download Now” to get the PC tool that comes with the dxgi.dll. The utility will automatically determine missing dlls and offer to install them automatically. Being an easy-to-use utility, it is is a great alternative to manual installation, which has been recognized by many computer experts and computer magaz. PNG, GIF, JPG, or BMP. File must be at least 160x160px and less than 600x600px.
You are running: Windows XP
DLL file found in our DLL database.
The update date of the dll database: 17 Dec 2020
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Click “Download Now” to get the PC tool that comes with the dxgi.dll. The utility will automatically determine missing dlls and offer to install them automatically. Being an easy-to-use utility, it is is a great alternative to manual installation, which has been recognized by many computer experts and computer magazines. Limitations: trial version offers an unlimited number of scans, backup, restore of your windows registry for FREE. Full version must be purchased. It supports such operating systems as Windows 10, Windows 8 / 8.1, Windows 7 and Windows Vista (64/32 bit).
File Size: 3.04 MB, Download time: < 1 min. on DSL/ADSL/Cable
Since you decided to visit this page, chances are you’re either looking for dxgi.dll file, or a way to fix the “dxgi.dll is missing” error. Look through the information below, which explains how to resolve your issue. On this page, you can download the dxgi.dll file as well.
Popular dll files- vcruntime140.dll - Microsoft® C Runtime Library
- msvcp140.dll - Microsoft® C Runtime Library
- d3dcompiler_43.dll - Direct3D HLSL Compiler
- xlive.dll - Games for Windows - LIVE DLL
- lame_enc.dll - MP3 Encoder.
- d3dx9_43.dll - Direct3D 9 Extensions
- binkw32.dll - RAD Video Tools
- msvcp120.dll - Microsoft® C Runtime Library
- msvcr110.dll - Microsoft® C Runtime Library
- x3daudio1_7.dll - 3D Audio Library
Create Dxgi Factory 2 Download Game
Other dll files- traffic.dll - Microsoft Traffic Control 1.0 DLL
- dxtmsft.dll - DirectX Media -- Image DirectX Transforms
- kbdic.dll - Icelandic Keyboard Layout
- nlslexicons000d.dll - Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code
- wmadmoe.dll - Corona Windows Media Audio 9 Encoder/Transcoder
- dlportio.dll - DriverLINX Port I/O DLL
- pwrshmsg.dll - Microsoft PowerShell EventLog Message Dll
- php_mbstring.dll - Multibyte String Functions
- java.dll - Java(TM) Platform SE binary
- ep0lvr1s.dll - EPSON Printer Driver
Create Dxgi Factory 2 Download Pc
A GPU contains in its memory a pointer to a buffer of pixels that contains the image currently being displayed on the screen. When you need to render something, such as a 3D model or image, the GPU updates this array and sends the information to the monitor to display. The monitor then redraws the screen from top to bottom, replacing the old image with the new.
However, there is a slight problem with this in that the monitor does not refresh as fast as needed for real-time rendering. Most refresh rates range from 60 Hz (60 fps) to about 100 Hz. If another model were rendered to the GPU while the monitor was refreshing, the image displayed would be cut in two, the top portion containing the old image and the bottom portion containing the new. This effect is called tearing.
To avoid this, the DXGI implements a feature called swapping.
Instead of rendering new images directly to the monitor, the DXGI automatically draws your images onto a secondary buffer of pixels, called the back buffer. The front buffer would be the buffer currently being displayed. You draw all your images onto the back buffer, and when you are done, DXGI will update the front buffer with the contents of the back buffer, discarding the old image.
However, doing this can still cause tearing, because the image transfer can still occur while the monitor is refreshing (the GPU is way faster than the monitor).
In order to avoid this (and to make the whole thing go faster anyway), DXGI uses a pointer for each buffer (both front and back) and simply switches their values. The back buffer then becomes the front buffer (and vice versa), and no tearing occurs.
Addresses Swap Instantly
Of course, we could make our game have better performance by adding additional back buffers, like this.
Multiple Back Buffers Can Get Better Peformance
This setup is called the swap chain, as it is a chain of buffers, swapping positions each time a new frame is rendered.
The swap chain is represented by a new COM interface, called IDXGISwapChain1.

ComPtr<ID3D11Device1> dev; // the device interface
ComPtr<ID3D11DeviceContext1> devcon; // the device context interface
ComPtr<IDXGISwapChain1> swapchain; // the swap chain interface
Setting up the swap chain, unlike initializing the device, is a several step process.
1. Obtain a pointer to a DXGI Factory, an object that is capable of creating other DXGI objects.
2. Customize the swap chain by filling out a swap chain description struct.
3. Use the DXGI Factory to call CreateSwapChainForCoreWindow().
In the next few sections, we'll take a look at how each of these is done.