Black And White No Cd Patch Download

Black And White No Cd Patch Download

Me and a friend are wanting to play B&W1 again. I am running Windows XP 64, he is running Windows 7 64. All of the patches install perfectly fine for him. However for me, not so much...
I get the following errors when trying to install ANY of the patches.
'Neither command line parameter specified is an existing directory.'
'You do not have the correct version of Black & White installed to use this patch.'
I've tried multiple uninstalls and re-installs. Cleared out the registry keys that are made. And I checked to see if /HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Lionhead Studios Ltd/Black & White/GameVersion(REG_DWORD) is there and set to 100.
Everything as far as what I can see on a technical end is correct.
Has anyone else encountered this? Is there a way to get the patch to install correctly?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Black And White No Cd Patch Downloads

Black And White No Cd Patch Download

Black And White No Cd Patch Download Windows 7

When installing Black and White, we strongly recommend that you install the game to a directory with no spaces or special characters in its name. When you come to install the game patch later, you may find that, due to a bug in the patch installer, you cannot install the patch if you have placed the game in its default installation directory. Descargar Crack No Cd Black And White 1 -