Galaxy Tab 10.1 Firmware. Device Model Region Version OS Build Changelist Download; Galaxy Tab 10.1: GT-P7500: CTI. Firmware update on your device.
- Download to your PC: Odin 3 latest version.
- Next extract the firmware file.
- You should get 1 (if 1 file, choose it here) or 5 (if 5 file, choose it here) file:
- AP: 'System & Recovery'
- CP: 'Modem & Radio'
- CSC_***: 'Country & Region & Operator'
- HOME_CSC_***: 'Country & Region & Operator'
- Add all files to Odin 3.
- If you want to do a clean flash, use CSC_*** either use HOME_CSC_*** to keep your data and apps.
- Now turn off your phone and enter the Download mode. How to do all methods:
- Press and hold the Power key , the Volume UP button and the Bixby key.
- Press and hold the Volume Up and Down keys and then connect a USB cable.
- Press and hold the Power key ,the Volume down button and the Home key.
- Connect a USB cable, then press and hold the Bixby button and the Volume down key.
- Press and hold the Power key and the Volume UP button.
- Then connect your device to PC, Odin should detect your phone and COM port number will appear on the screen.
- Please specify only the F.Reset time and Auto-Reboot.
- Finally press the Start key. Your phone will now restart and disconnect from the PC.
Samsung has stopped official software updates for Galaxy Tab 10.1. But you can still install latest operating system on it. Yes you can now update Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 to Android 5.1 Lollipop operating system.
The firmware is developed based on Android open source project. As it isn’t official firmware developed by Samsung, do not install this firmware for daily use. If you are still ready to try and update Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 to Android 5.1 Lollipop, do follow this XDA thread to get solutions for minor solutions. Further, follow the below prerequisites to safeguard your personal data and to ensure successful installation.
Check Device Model Number
It is vital to check device model number before rooting/unlocking/flashing process to ensure flashing compatible files on the device. The device model name should be Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Wi-Fi(GT-P7510). If your device model number doesn’t match with mentioned one, do not attempt the tutorial.
Samsung Galaxy Tab USB Drivers

To transfer firmware packages, it is to be connected with PC. For the PC to detect the device, it should have installed Samsung USB drivers. If you’ve not installed previously, download them form below source and install manually.
Steps To Be Considered
Galaxy Tab P7500 Firmware Update Ios
- Enable USB debugging on the Samsung Galaxy Tabwhich lets the device establish a stable connection with computer via USB. You can do it by following the below mentioned path. In latest versions of Android, the Enable Debugging option will be hidden in depth of settings panel. You can follow our guide to enable USB debugging.
- Rooting the device erase entire data on the device including internal SD card. So, make sure you create a backup of entire important data. If you are not familiar with Android backup process, you can refer our guide to Backup Android phone data.
- Make sure the phone’s battery is at least 60% charged at the start up of tutorial. If battery runs off during unlocking process, it may turn your phone into brick. So, charge the device before tutorial.
- If the device bootloader is locked, it is to be unlocked before rooting process. You cannot gain root access unless bootloader is unlocked.
- To install custom ROM’s/Firmware the Galaxy Tab must be rooted and should be installed with Clockworkmod recovery/TWRP recovery. Perform this step if not done previously.
Are you sure you completed all the above steps? Yes, you can now get started with the Lollipop installation process.
Disclaimer: Rooting/Unlocking/Installing custom ROMs and Kernels are not official methods. So, neither device manufacturer nor Droid Word team is responsible if anything goes wrong with your device during the process. This article is only for educational purpose. You can continue with the implementation at your own risk.
Step 1: Download Android Lollipop ROM and Google Apps packages from downloads section to your PC. Do not unzip the packages.

Step 2: Connect Galaxy Tab to PC using an USB cable.
Step 3: Transfer the downloaded packages into the root of phone/SDcard memory.
Step 4: Once the transfer is done, disconnect the USB and turn off the Galaxy Tab.
Step 5: Enter custom recovery mode on Galaxy Tab. Don’t know how? Do follow the simple step below.
Turn on the device by holding Volume up+Home+Power buttons together until you see the recovery mode.
Step 6: In custom recovery mode, you can view a list of options which are not available in Stock recovery. Among them, find and select wipe data/factory reset(In recovery mode the touch interface will not work. You can use Volume buttons to navigate and Power button to select).
Step 7: Now perform a complete data wipe by selecting wipe cache partition.
Step 8: Once done, enter advanced options in recovery mode and select wipe dalvik cache.

Step 9: If you are done with all the above steps, you can flash the firmware package now. Select install zip from sdcard, navigate and choose the previously copied Android Lollipop ROM package. Confirm the installation and do not interrupt the process.
Galaxy Tab P7500 Firmware Update Windows 10
Step 10: After completion follow Step 9 again and choose Google apps package in this case.
Step 11: Once the packages installation is completed, select reboot system now option.
That’s it! Your device now boots up running Android 5.1 Lollipop. You have successfully Updated Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 with Android 5.1 Lollipop via AOSP firmware. If you face any issues while following the above guide, do let us know through the comments section. We may help you out.